

  1. 答:Chinese education and American education is very different. Chinese education always pursues the classical Chinese literature, and exam should be carried out around the standard answer in the book. Education advocates and the United States is different, the United States is a free, you want to learn to learn, don't want to learn not learn, not a lot of mandatory
  1. 答:The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher. THey would also be given assignments that can last over a few week to work on. In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, so theoreatically, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent.
  1. 答:the same and difference between chinese school and america school.
  2. 答:There are many differences in social customs between Americans and Chinese. The most obvious is that people are very informal in social situations in the United States. For example, they call each other by their given names
    when they meet for the first
    time, including the young to the old. In China, however, this will be regarded as quite impolite. Another difference is in topics in conversation. It is quite all right to ask a Chinese the cost of his possessions while it is quite rude to do so in the United States. The Chinese do not care much if they are asked about their age, their political and religious beliefs whereas these kinds of topics are usually avoided in conversations in the United States.
  3. 答:Chinese education and American education is very different. Chinese education always pursues the classical Chinese literature, and exam should be carried out around the standard answer in the book. Education advocates and the United States is different, the United States is a free, you want to learn to learn, don't want to learn not learn, not a lot of mandatory
  4. 答:The differences and similarities between the schools in China and USA
  5. 答:Chinese education and American education is very different. Chinese education always pursues the classical Chinese literature, and exam should be carried out around the standard answer in the book. Education advocates and the United States is different, the United States is a free, you want to learn to learn, don't want to learn not learn, not a lot of mandatory
